Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Terminal Staffs'..they are all nice!!!!

So sekarang saya available di rumah 24 jam. Sesuatu yang saya sangat inginkan ketika saya praktikal dulu. No rushing, no worrying, no bullying, paling best, tak kene bebel dengan bos...opsss...hehehe...Tapi semua keinginan berubah bila saya terasa lambat masa berlalu di rumah. After finished my studying, saya mula jadi job seeker and i found that it such a nice thing to make my self busy as what i did before...uh i mishh praktikal di KLIA dulu....

Their staff's are all nice to me, especially when i went into Bravo shift. Pada masa tu memang terasa nak habis praktikal cepat-cepat. Terlalu penat dengan schedule shift yang agak padat. Tak cukup rehat, penat, come back to work even though masih layu kepenatan. After a few days, i can adapted this working environment, i feel enjoyed working in Terminal walaupun kadang-kadang supervisor asyik membebel dengan saya. Ade je yang tak kene, terasa kene buli pun ade jugak masa tu...tapi there must be a reason why he did such things, I admit saya ada buat salah and dia bertanggujawab untuk betulkan keadaan tu. Actually, I called him Apek when he was not around because he's sabahan but looks like Chinese guy. Forget about the supervisor 'garang' tu lah.

at baggage reclaim area
Setiap hari, saya akan belajar banyak perkara baru, even a small things pun!!...macam how to do bids, saya banyak belajar dari Bob, trace defect from all Tango's, doing NTL, aircraft crash, fire drill and more. Paling rasa bertuah, my supervisor bagi saya peluang ke Kompleks Bunga Raya untuk feel sendiri movement disana. And...paling cool, supervisor saya bagi green light saya jumpe u-kiss jap!!! yeah i like u la my former bos!!!hihihi...

Research done!!! Alhamdulillah

Research?? yes i need to do a research and Alhamdulillah, after facing some difficulties, finally I did well on it. Instead of completed my research, I had experienced a great quality time working together with all staffs'. Saya diberi kepercayaan untuk replaced tugas seorang staff di terminal, Saya lebih kepada tugasan tango which mean Information Assistance. So saya mobile, tak statik di satu-satu tempat and of course i like it so much!! i met a lot of people everyday. Besides, staff di sana pun banyak bantu saya dalam banyak perkara. Kalu saya ada probs dalam handle my duties, ramai yang sedia tolong saya. So, for all Bravo staffs, em maybe i can call the names, Kak Halina, Mr. Jupirin, Pak Abu!!, Kak Hin, En. Zaidi, Ustaz hj. Redzuan, Safri, dan yang lain-lain, thank you for helping me sooo much, i mish to working with them. And for my former supervisor, tQ for many many things, u have teach me a lot of things, basic airport operation, roles and duties for my task, supported my thesis, keep accompanying me when I had appointment with academic supervisor and TQ so so much because u mean everything to me right now....
with Kak Hin, one of coolest officers in shift
Aircraft crash practices...i am OK encik..


My former supervisor, Mr Anuar Izan =P

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